Wednesday, 22 July 2009

A step further...

There are only four things for us as a human being to worry about or to be taken care of:

Good or bad, happiness or sorrow.

What comes to you during the course of life or in more descriptive narration, an uncontrolled eventual happening, is somehow related to the mentioned terms. Either it could be something good, something bad! or it could either be source of happiness or sorrow.

For me, a successful person is one who would understand the relationship between these terms, as well as can figure the matrix in between them.

One can be happy as a result of something bad at the same time one can experience sorrow due to some happiness at that very instance. If you can figure out the relationship between these four 'words', you are a step further in understanding, what is called, Life.

9 comments: said...

deep! Happy Ramadan and let's hope it gets us all one step further :)


Arooj said...

good ..bad..happiness or sorrow...each orginates frm one's inner self....all have same roots but different course of action,,,

Tauqeer said...

Thank you guys for visiting :)

Bushra said...

I agree with your philosophy but still i wanted to add some thing init,I think it is abit difficult to understand the relationship for a normal humanbeing because most of the time we expect good things & It takes time plus experience othervise the in between relationship is really hard to accept...

that's what i think...

Nasreen said...

Interesting post. I can't recall a situation where something good happened but I was unhappy. Or viceversa if something bad happened and I was happy. Care to give an example?

Tauqeer said...

I would be hard to give an example here but that phenomenon is more of related to one's perspective about the certain event. Because again, good and bad, right and wrong are relative terms...:)

S K said...

Yea, I guess it does depend on perceptive and a person's internal state of mind and well being. The mind is so complex and amazing.

Anonymous said...

nice post, seems like u r also a dormant lazy blogger like me, we hardly update :p

Tauqeer said...

@habloid: Hehe , yeah probably. It takes time to contemplate such detailed posts.. lol

Thanks for visiting though!