Wednesday, 15 April 2009

Shouldn't we be hating...?

1. People who breaks the traffic laws.
2. People who try to evade taxes.
3. People who bribe to get their legal/illegal work done.
4. People who lie for personal benefit.
5. People who cheat the authorities in any way.

The dilemma of our societies these days, is the acceptance of such behaviour from people around us. At least a little shrug will create a concious amongst others of their wrong doing.


BlackRose said...

people already hate those things.. the thing is though..most of us dont do much about it. because of bigger scandals going on to which our tiny minds get caught up in. To me..that list seems minor when compared to other lists like

dont people hate:

1. The goverment decieving the public? too many ways. can make a list of its own lol.

2. Knowing millions of tax payers money going to waste. In the goverment sector.In the royal family and on people who arent deserving.

3. how on the news yesterday.. Obamas new pet dog got more coverage than more serious and important issues.

etc etc.

We accept those things.. and even when there is awareness.. theres not much anyone does to stop it.

Anonymous said...

Spread love, not hate :) j/k.

We shouldn't necessarily be hating these people, but we should make sure they are taken to task/trial for their corrupt actions. said...

word up bro, so true, and i realize this more in lebanon for some reason. sigh :-)

Tauqeer said...

hehe thank you all for passing by!

jingoist said...

n who doesn't hate them ?

At times I really hate myself to be the part of this society.

May Allah bless us and make us get rid of all such unethical acts of society.

mummyjaan said...

Assalam alaikum.

Technically, we shouldn't be hating people.

But yes, we should hate all the above actions that you have mentioned and try to challenge people's acceptance of them. Many a time, our attitude is: if it doesn't concern us, why get involved? This is wrong and needs to change.

Btw, among the many blogs listed on your profile, which is your primary one?

Tauqeer said...

Oh I'm glad you came!

primary blog is : tauqeer-writes

not that I write alot anymore:P

Americanising Desi said...

i dont hate nyone.. i just prefer bein indifferent!

always actually!

Bushra said...

Agree with all the above people...We shouldn't hate those people but actually try to aware them about these things ... Try to do some positive criticism hopefully that will not only helping them to become a sensible citizen but also the probablity of success is high to attain the certain goal of awareness...

Anonymous said...

shout it from the rooftops!

Anonymous said...

also i really hate the way blogger links comments - ie, by clicking on the person who left the comment i can't get to their blog. i have to go through their profile, determine if they HAVE a blog and IF it's accessible to the general public and THEN click it

seriously? user unfriendly much??

Tauqeer said...

No don't think so, because people can have more than one blog? (*hint)

And I personally prefer to read profile before going through posts :D

Anonymous said...

actually, many a times we ourselves are the culprits of the same charges...

Tauqeer said...

But we shouldn't, should we? and if we don't, which I believe lot of us are not, then, this is my extreme view to the problem!