Wednesday, 22 July 2009

A step further...

There are only four things for us as a human being to worry about or to be taken care of:

Good or bad, happiness or sorrow.

What comes to you during the course of life or in more descriptive narration, an uncontrolled eventual happening, is somehow related to the mentioned terms. Either it could be something good, something bad! or it could either be source of happiness or sorrow.

For me, a successful person is one who would understand the relationship between these terms, as well as can figure the matrix in between them.

One can be happy as a result of something bad at the same time one can experience sorrow due to some happiness at that very instance. If you can figure out the relationship between these four 'words', you are a step further in understanding, what is called, Life.

Wednesday, 15 April 2009

Shouldn't we be hating...?

1. People who breaks the traffic laws.
2. People who try to evade taxes.
3. People who bribe to get their legal/illegal work done.
4. People who lie for personal benefit.
5. People who cheat the authorities in any way.

The dilemma of our societies these days, is the acceptance of such behaviour from people around us. At least a little shrug will create a concious amongst others of their wrong doing.